Friday, June 4, 2010

Hello World!

About two and a half years ago, I thought it would be fun to blog about my life. I wrote two posts and then changed my mind. Here I am again, attempting to enter the blogging world. I figure that it’s what married people are supposed to do.

So…without further ado, I give you my first Stephen and Stephanie Stewart blog post!

The biggest news of the year is that I graduated!! (Maybe that isn’t the biggest news, but I’m writing this, not Honey.) It was a thrilling moment… actually it wasn’t because I didn’t walk. With family out of town, it seemed like a waste of my time. Although, looking back I’ll probably regret the lack of closure I had with my BYU education.

After “graduating,” I spent about two and a half weeks completely bored out of my mind. I hunted and hunted for jobs, and practically sent my resume to about every PR and marketing company in Utah. Most normal human beings probably would have appreciated the vacation, especially after completing a semester-long internship that required a commute time of at least two hours everyday, and a time-intensive capstone project (my last difficult class before I graduated which required a 250-page public relations campaign for a client).

But call me a freakazoid. For some reason, I am not satisfied with life unless I feel like I am doing something productive. And, watching every episode from the last two seasons of 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom just wasn’t quite cutting it, although I did find a weird and totally unexplained passion for this show. Also during this horrible time, I managed to read 6 books—the Dexter series and a few other recommendations.

After several interviews, I finally landed a job as a marketing specialist for American Crafts. Unfortunately the name of the company makes me turn bright red from embarrassment and laugh strangely every time I say it. I should probably get over that. The company is one of the top scrapbooking wholesalers in the nation—they make and sell all kinds of cutesy scrapbook projects. Check them out here. I spend my days writing sales promos, updating the Facebook and Twitter Feeds and communicating with influential scrapbookers from big-time scrapbooking magazines. At least I can put it on my resume for future jobs.

Well enough about me… Honey is happily going to school, busy as a bee… he is taking spring and summer classes in the hopes to graduate in a year. He is an advertising major so we joke that maybe someday we can own our own big-shot business. Yeah right.

We also took a big leap and finally moved out of his parents house last week into a teeny one-bedroom apartment. Although it’s not quite as comfortable, it works just swell. Apparently the building caught on fire about two years ago, and so they had to completely remodel it… so while the outside may look like a horrible ghetto, the inside has granite countertops, new carpet, stainless steel appliances and fresh paint. The best part is the location—Honey can drive to school in about five minutes, and I can hop on the highway to get to work in about ten. We’re close to downtown Provo and right across from a park and swimming pool. My mom and grandma are coming in the next couple of weeks to bring me more stuff (and hopefully help me decorate), so pics to come soon.

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